Northern Soul for the Gorbals - Sou'Side Shufflers

Northern Soul for the Gorbals - Sou'Side Shufflers

A"Northern Soul" dance class in the Gorbals would bring people together through the power of music and dance, improving community wellbeing. By celebrating the upbeat rhythms and soulful energy of Northern Soul, this initiative can create a vibrant space for connection, expression, and fun. Through regular dance sessions, local residents can bond, boost their mental and physical health, and foster a sense of pride and belonging, while embracing the area's rich cultural heritage.


Guys please support this great idea pilot class starting on the 8th January in st Francis center 6 to 7 our dance teacher teaches all.over so lets get the Gorbels dancing all welcome

Great idea, introducing people to the music and dance style of Northern Soul, also an ideal opportunity to have a good night out, meet friends old and new, and feel good, and not forgetting keeping you fit as well


This would be great for physical and mental health!! Lilian*

Thanks for your votes for this great idea that will benifit our community a great deal have been lots off intrest for A Nothern soul dance class lets get our votes o here thanks keep the faith 👊👊

A great idea !

good idea!

I would LOVE this and would bring friends too. I am 37, in a rut and love northern soul.- I would love to learn some moves, exercise, boost my mental health and meet more Gorbals residents. I really hope this happens!

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