Conversation Benches

Conversation Benches

Installing benches across the Gorbals or in areas that people could meet for a chat as there are many people who are experiencing loneliness and isolation. Having Natter benches would show that there is space for people to go and chat with other local people if they are feeling lonely. I know there is a need for this and especially after covid, there are a lot of people who are struggling - posting on behalf of a local Resident- M Smith


Not everyone has a a family or nearby friends, and maybe some one just needs to chat. If people know there are designated benches for conversation, then people will be able to locate them throughout the Gorbals with the intention for a chat.

There are places in the Gorbals that could really benefit from a place to sit, chat, and have a rest. Important for me, as I can't walk very far without stopping for a wee rest. I would like to see some seating in the Piazza. The predecessor project to GIF was Spirit of the Gorbals, which had funding set aside for a legacy bench (there was even a proposed design). The bench was never created; this should be followed up on. Someone at NGHA should know about whether the funds are still available.

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